Skill / World: Infusion - Increased passive rewards

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Skill / World: Infusion - Increased passive rewards

Post by Meric »

TLDR: Infusion needs more obvious rewards; even if minor.


I have three chars set to do infusion this breath and have been looking over the mechanism

Currently infusion appears to offer -
Limited xp return for chars actively infusing
Benefits to some classes with some skills like Advo and DO
Benefits to some classes with some skills relating to Fonts
A potential for some alignment struggles around barricades and "locking down areas" etc

However, these do not appear as easily translatable and tangible benefits to most faction members or ferals running around, especially if evil. If we want people to be active participants in this space I do think some more subtle rewards would be of benefit to make the experience more tangible.

In Nexus War infusion offered passive benefits to faction members on faction-infused tiles to the value of "5% bonuses to attack, defense, and search, and +1 damage". I would suggest that such passive bonuses are offered in NC for persons on tiles that match their alignment/faction alignment. As it would be alignment wide and possibly take up a ~third (or more) of the map they need to be subtle in comparison.

This would also allow a space for purposeful fighting over resource tiles via infusion and a boon to being in those areas thus creating the opportunity for some interesting territorial disputes / counter infusion. Such passive bonuses could be purely boons to the alignment receiving them or some negatives to the unaligned. They could also be stronger based on the depth of the infusion.

In terms of balance they could only apply to Valhalla so that the outer planes do not get unduly automatically buffed and they could possibly be not allowed on SH tiles at all so as to be seen as a faction projecting its power beyond its stronghold walls.

Since infusion runs up to 500 depth per tile we could have a mechanism where greater depth boasts greater passive rewards. Such as below:

1 - 100 = 5% to search and hide
101 - 200 = 5% to search and hide / 5% to attack and defence
201 - 300 = 5% to search and hide / 5% to attack and defence / +1 soak
301 - 450 = 5% to search and hide / 5% to attack and defence / +1 soak / +1 dmg
+451 = If applicable the tile flips to the aligned alternative version of that building eg. A library would become A Vault of Enlightenment, Forgotten Library or Damned Library (maybe optional because some alt versions arent as good as vanilla)

Ive always loved the idea of tiles in Valhalla flipping to its aligned version to show the war being raged across it and would love to see such an occurrence.

As a future infuser I honestly do not care if I am allowing my faction Advocate to have God-tier blessings or popping out Relics etc because of infusions. However, tell me all my little faction mates running around are getting 5% search in the local library because of it and Ill infuse that tile for years to come.

Ref: ... p/Infusion
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Re: Skill / World: Infusion - Increased passive rewards

Post by Nova »

Maybe more world objects? Like an apple tree you can harvest for apples, gardens that can be harvested for daisies/etc, unholy shrines that cause imps to spawn at the cost of infusion, etc. etc. etc.
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