Feats Breath Total
Kills / Deaths
Kills 757 760
Angels Killed 162 162
Transcended Killed410413
Demons Killed 115 115
Minibosses Killed 00
Pets Killed 226 226
Deaths 531 531
Damage / Healing
Damage Dealt 114501 114705
Damage Taken 56430 56472
HP Healed 2323 2323
Items Crafted 1358 1358
Items Repaired 2 2
Infusion 10793 10807
Spells Cast 1020 1020
Buffs Granted 0 0
Debuffs Inflicted 1282 1282
Search & Consume
Alcohol Drunk 907 907
Food Eaten 656 656
Books Read 204 207
Pills Taken 1050 1050
Targets Shot 513 513
Items Found 4781 4781
Magical Items Consumed 177 177
Engineering & Lockpicking
Doors Destroyed 33
Doors Repaired 1 1
Power Removed 61 61
Power Restored 57 57
Locks Picked 0 0
Lore Found 50
Total Achievements 17


Level: 30 (G Circle)
Classes: Void Walker Pariah Mortal
Captain in Pirates of Rlyeh
Physical Description:
This man's body is dotted with perhaps hundreds of open, sharp-toothed mouths. When he breathes, the sound comes from his entire body, and when he speaks the words come from each mouth simultaneously. He has no eyes. He is wearing a Glow-in-the-Dark Skeleton Pants, an Olive Green Messenger Bag, a Maid Uniform, a Pair of Rune-Inscribed Gauntlets, a Pair of Pot Leaf Novelty Sunglasses, a Shiny Thing, a Pair of Unlucky Socks, a XP Cap, and a Frozen Light Cuirass. His head is topped by a crown of wicked-looking horns stained with the blood of squashed bugs. He is displaying a Tattered Jolly Roger with crossed tentacles rising from below and wrapping the skull.
Personal Description:
I'm that voice in your head telling you stuff like "go ahead! take that lady's unattended purse, yeah, rummage through it and steal her vicodin, flip it, use the money to buy more vicodin, hehe, yeah yeah, then invest that stack in a dark, tall, and dashing horse named 'Sunshine McDaniels', fuggin' race him - you bet your sweet ass kid and we're gunna win big! Big! BIG! hehehe yeah! And then blow the money on a really tricked out van! HEY!! don't just stand there! that purse won't steal itself."
Character Skills
Dodge (Wiki)
Evasion (Wiki)
Advanced Dodge (Wiki)
Hide (Wiki)
Advanced Hide (Wiki)
Ranged Combat (Wiki)
Archery (Wiki)
Advanced Archery (Wiki)
Strength (Wiki)
Stamina (Wiki)
Tap Font (Wiki)
Enervate (Wiki)
Rend Flesh (Wiki)
Stygian Fury (Wiki)
Blooded Fury (Wiki)
Void Walker
Bow of Frostbite (Wiki)
Sniper of the Creeping Chill (Wiki)
Destructive Blow (Wiki)
Enhanced Senses (Wiki)
Initiate of the Shadow (Wiki)
Adept of the Shadow (Wiki)
Mark of the Assassin (Wiki)
Assassins Edge (Wiki)
Stepping of the Corner (Wiki)
Ether Stepping (Wiki)
Stepping of the World Gate (Wiki)
Stepping of the Stone (Wiki)
Void Pockets (Wiki)
Void-touched (Wiki)
Badges Earned:
A Colder War, A Curse Upon Ye, A Heaven of Hell, According to Their Works, Aims to Please, Alcoholic, All Stitched Up, Apprentice Electrician, Artifex, Artisan, Aspect Hunter, Assassin, Barn Assassin, Base Camp, Binge Drinker, Blighter, Bloodbreaker, Bloodletter, Bonebreaker, Book of Martyrs, Bookworm, Bounty Hunter, Bruised, Buried, Carousel Casualty, Cassandras Truth, Celestial Foe, City Planner, Cleanser, Club Feral, Cognitive Dissonance, Collector, Color Guard, Convenient, Crushed, Crusher, Curse of the Pharaohs, Deadeye, Delver, Demonslayer, Disaster Magnet, Disciple of Death, Divine Comedy, Doctor, Dogkiller, Dunes of Dust, Earth Was Like a Marble, Endemic, Enforcer, Eternal I Endure, Every Mountain Made Low, Exterminator, Factory Foreman, Family Fun, Farseer, Fatality, Flag Warden, Flushed!, Forget All That, Frat Boy, Frost Fighter, Fusebreaker, Fusemaker, Glutton, Going Up, Gourmand, Grandest of Slams, Great Affliction, Great Leveler, Guinea Pig Herder, Gunslinger, Hammer of Light, Head in the Clouds, Hear Ye!, Hell is Other People, High on Life, Homesteader, I Have a Headache, I Stab at Thee, In Memoriam, Iron Juggernaut, Journeyman Blacksmith, Keeping Healers in Business, Kenopsia, Killer, Librarian, Lich Pet, Living the High Life, Love Eternal, Low Tolerance, Made to Last, Mage, Malaise, Mass Producer, Master of Death, Masterpiece, Masticator, Medic, Mind Games, Monster Addict, Moral Panic, Mystic, Nightmare Whisperer, No Longer Boarding, Not a Drill, Not Safe, Omen, Oracle, Organ Grinder, Out of the Ash, Perseverence of the Saints, Perverter, Pest Control, Pill-popper, Plaguebringer, Pro Claimer, Punching Bag, Quartermaster, Reader, Reaper, Receded Waters, Regulator, Rising Tide, Ruiner, Scavenger, Scrounger, Shape of Things to Come, Sharpshooter, Sinatra, Skipping Stones, Slave to the Habit, Smasher, Spellbinder, Standard Bearer, Surgeons Lament, Sweatshop Worker, Taste of Dried Leaves, Taste Tester, The Nether Millstone, They Shall Not Pass, This Place is Not a Place of Honor, Those Lost, Trading Places, True Blue, Two Guns, Ungrateful Guest, Warrior, Wellspring, While The Iron Is Hot, Whole Dome, Widowmaker, Wild in the Woods, Wiresnipper, With Great Power, World Eater, Wormfood

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Original Nexus War classes, powers, and lore copyright 2003 - 2010 Brandon Harris (bharris@gaijin.com), used with permission.

Site homepage artwork copyright 2017 Acaisha Buffo (www.deviantart.com/akithefrivolicious).

Raid ticker icons by Lorc (lorcblog.blogspot.com/) and Delapouite (delapouite.com) at game-icons.net .

Skill, spell, and other icons by: AvgustaLina, SmallANIKI, N-Hance Studios, Poneti, WenRexa, and CraftPix.net, used under licenses acquired through gamedevmarket.net, assetstore.unity.com, itch.io, and craftpix.net .

Pet icons produced and published by Megatiles with artist credits to Kodots Games Studio.